Friday, December 10, 2010

God Bless Friends

I have been blessed to share parts of other people’s lives with them, sometimes for months, sometimes for years.  Many people have said they were my friends, but few I actually would call friends.  There are a few who will always be in my heart and have been a very influential part of my life.

My teenage friend, was my soul sister.  This young lady taught me things about life that I had never thought of learning.  She was my voice of reason and my angel.  Unlike some smarter than I in the Bible, I ignored my angel and she went away.  I followed the wide path, and she the more narrow.  I miss her terribly and wish if I could change one part of my teenage years, it would be that I would have told her how much I loved her. 

I have had many “friends” since her, but none that can compare.  None that truly cared for me just for me.  Not for what I could give them or do for them, just for me.  I thank God for the small window of time I got to have her in my life and want to say (if she reads this), that I am sorry I didn’t listen.

Now some friends you share time and space with and some you simply share time with.  Another friend is a man that I will most likely never physically meet.  Through “social networking” we met.  Completely different backgrounds, completely different people.  I just feel a kinship with him.  Like the awesome brother or uncle or…I don’t know just awesome.  He has a beautiful wife and a beautiful family and his words of kindness have brightened many of my days.  He is wise and a devoted father and husband.  I know we are destined to be friends a long time for no other reason then that his wife and I share the same favorite movie.

God places people in your life for a reason.  There is nothing in your world that is coincidence.  Take note of your surroundings, be thankful for the people in your life. 

God bless you both. Smile

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