Thursday, September 22, 2011

God uses women too....

When we think of women in the bible, most of the ones that stand out as godly women are women who didn't come from great means, importance or social status.  The women we associate with good character are women like Mary (Jesus' mother) who was but a mere girl when chosen to be the mother to our Savior.  There are other women, like Ruth, whose actions were such an example as to have a whole chapter dedicated to them.  Neither of these women had wealth, but quite the opposite.  Mary was a teenager who had been affianced to Joseph at around the age of 14.  We know that she was approached by an angel and told that she would give birth to Jesus (from the time before and since there has never been another birth that didn't require two sets of DNA so we know what people probably thought of Mary).  Ruth was an old widow who was faithful to her mother-in-law Naomi.  She found favor in God's eyes and was married to Boaz and taken care of even in her old age.

I say all that to tell you this, women are important to God.  He used them in the bible to do important works for Him.  God used Jael to defeat an enemy of the army of Israel.  He could have used anyone, he could have chosen the most mighty warrior that Israel had, but chose instead to use a courageous and faithful woman.  When you look at statistics for missions funding and we think of those yearly church offerings, what sort of names do you think of?  Eliza Broadus, Annie Armstrong, those ring a bell?  The thing they both have in common is that they are both women and both loved God.

God can use anyone to teach, preach and evangelize.  You don't have to have seminary school under your belt to tell someone of God's love.  There is not a asterix at the end of the Bible saying that all the words in here only apply to men and when Jesus says the harvest is full but the workers are few, he wasn't referring to just men.  He used women in the Bible, and He will use you today.

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