Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Present sufferings to future glory!

Romans 8:18 NIV
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us

I pray that you each took the time to watch this video.  It was inspired by the terrible hurricane we know as Katrina.  The words in this song are truly sent from God.  It tells us that in the midst of the worst day of our life, when we have lost everything and everyone we still have the most important person, Jesus.  He is with us through all times, good and bad.  Just to call upon His name can bring us through the worst times and make the best times taste even sweeter.  

In this video the young man asks the mother "shouldn't you be calling on FEMA, the Red Cross, Bush or Chaney?" (paraphrased)  No, we should call upon He who breathed life into this world.  He who heals the blind, and makes the lame to walk.  The name above all else is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  

Can you think of a name any sweeter than this?  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!  Thank you so much Lord for dying on the cross for not only my sins, but the sins of the entire world.  

I cannot wait until Romans 8:18 is fulfilled.  When our present sorrows are but  a distant memory.  When there will be no more sadness, no more pain.  Dried will be the tears, broad will be the smiles, every knee will bow and every mouth will proclaim that Christ IS KING!!!

Thank you all so much for reading.  I pray that each of you grow closer in your relationship to the LORD on this day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the inspiration you are to me and to others and for sharing your faith with us.You are right , Jesus is the sweetest name I know as well. Love mommie
