Tuesday, May 31, 2011
For You
Flung from my fingertips
I cry for you
Spots worn thin on the carpet there
Down on bended knee
I pray for you
Blood trickled down his face
Hanging on that cross
He died for you
Monday, May 30, 2011
A Soldier's Story
as she tells her daddy goodbye
Not really understanding
Why he must go away
Her daddy tells her he'll see her
soon but is unsure inside his heart
Hoping that he's won't be breaking
this promise to her today
He kisses his wife the love of his
heart, she understands but doesn't
want to. Knowing this could be her
last kiss, it means more to her now
He's prepared for this his whole career
Leaving them here today he doesn't
feel prepared at all but
He will fulfill his vow
To protect and serve even unto death
Freedom for all even those that hate him
He hopes they understand
As he stands proud, like a mighty tree
One last look back he takes as he
boards the plane to leave
Another tear, from daddy's girls, man
Freedom does not come free
Friday, May 27, 2011
From this to that
In the span of twenty six years
How can we be smiles one day
The next uncontrollable tears
How is life so fragile
You didn't plan it that way
How could you be gone
You had so much more to say
How can my heart hurt for you
When you don't feel any pain
How can I forget your smile
When it's seared inside my brain
How will life go on from here
Different but it will go on
How do I know this for sure
You were here, now your gone
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Thank God
Have to do? Just claim my reward
And know that I love you.
Never forget the things I’ve taught you please.
Know how much I’ve prayed for you
God has a plan for your life if
Only you follow his will. And if I should
Die tonight, know I’ll love you still.
Monday, May 23, 2011
You have a ministry too!
Those of you that are involved in a church body (and if you are not, you really should) may not even be aware of all the opportunities to serve God that exist. The first thing to do when seeking a ministry is to make sure you are doing what God has called you to do and not just what you think will make Him happy. God has a specific purpose for each of us. Not everyone is called to do every job. We are all parts of the body. Some are the knees (prayer warriors), some are the mouths (speakers, singers,), some are the hands (people who help in a physical way) (please note, these are just my interpretations of the body). But EVERYONE has a job to do. You need to ask God where He needs you. Be aware of where He is working and then join Him.
There are several ministries in each congregation I am sure. I can give you a few examples of the ones at our church and what they do. Ask your church if you have this program and if you think God is calling you to do that, join Him.
- AWANA program is a ministry for children children of any age. There are lessons for kids ages 1-13/14. Bible verses are taught, missions education is taught, good social interaction with kids and adults that love God.
- Vacation Bible School (VBS) is done (at my church and I assume all others) during the summer break for kids. The age range is similar to that of AWANA. Again they will learn about God, Jesus and how to accept Jesus' gift of salvation. It usually lasts 1 week.
- GROW Team is a group of people who go out on neighborhood visits to shut-ins, people in need of salvation and sick people. They also (at our church) send out cards of sympathy, get well cards, and encouragement cards.
- Bible Studies are awesome ways to get involved. Sometimes (and this really should say always) the pastor has so much their plate that they don't always have time to host bible studies. Guess what, you have a home, and a bible, you have a perfect setup for a bible study. Or you could meet at chruch as well.
- WMU is a group for ladies who are interested in missions. See my post about WMU and what they do.
- Church Cleaning Crews do just that. They clean the church. Now I know some churches pay for this service, and we used to do that. But having volunteers from our congreation to do this has saved us lots of money and also given us a new way to fellowship.
- Sunday school teachers teach a Bible lesson on (usually) Sunday mornings. Our church has a different teacher for all ages groups. That gives a lot of opportunity for you to work with God.
Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. ~Luke 10:2
Sunday, May 22, 2011
"If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready"
How can people that believe in God, Jesus and all things related to Him (including the Bible) not understand that He will not come back when people are expecting it. He says the coming will be "like a thief in the night"... For any of you who have ever been robbed, I am sure you can attest to the fact that the robber didn't leave you an advanced warning of the day and time that they will be at your home. When we least expect it is when He will come."No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." ~Matthew 24:36
This is why we always say to be ready all the time. Apart from Christ's second coming, you should be ready because this could be your last second on earth. You could be reading this blog and die right now. Don't wait until you think Jesus is coming back to get ready, you need to stay ready.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Pregnancy Crisis Center
What the center does is quite remarkable. There are a number or services that they provide. Free pregnancy tests, counseling, adoption help, parenting classes, talking to teens about sex and the ramifications of having sex before marriage, among many others. What struck me as so remarkable is the level of passion that the representative had for this organization.
They are completely privately funded, no government help at all, which is a very important thing because...they actually tell the clients about Jesus. YES! They council people from a biblical standpoint. For instance, she gave an example of talking to teens at the local high schools about abstinence. She actually gives them a demonstration when she talks to them. She gets some kids to help her show something. She gets one teen to stand in the floor and represent a person at birth. Then she stands one teen a few feet away representing the average age kids start having sex (which is 15), then she gets another to stand a bit away representing the median age of someone who just got married (which is 25), and lastly she represents the median age at which we die (around 70). She shows them how much time they will actually have to have sex after they marry. The gap in between 15 and 25 is really not so long. A visual for them which I am sure turns some heads.
They also offer a post abortion bible study. For those that have had an abortion, sometimes they get an incomplete message (totally depending upon which health care provider they see) about what an abortion will do. Yes it will end the pregnancy, but it will also leave you with a big scar on your heart. The only thing that can heal that wound is God, and a bible study would be the perfect thing for that.
I am sure I speak for all the ladies when I say how thankful we are that such an organization exists. When you've found yourself with a pregnancy that you didn't plan and sometimes don't want, it is nice to know that you can get more than just medical advice. Thank you for all you do. If you would like to get in touch with someone for donations or to learn more please click on the link below:
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Get Involved
I (very reluctantly) said I would come thinking that it would just be something to do for my mom. In reality, it is something that every woman should be involved in, women of all ages.
What we do is have a meal together first (love my mama's cooking), then we will read from the Missions Mosaic the names of missionaries around the world that are having a birthday on that day. We pray for them and ask God to be with them always and to help them know what to say in every situation. We then discuss new and old business, who we will donate money to, what causes we can support and how we can help the church in whatever God is entrusting it with. We also have a lesson about a wide variety of things. Things ranging from Prayer to Patience, Saving money to being a missionary in our own ways. From these lessons I have learned more than I could imagine.
I'm sure your church has a lot of programs that you may not even be aware of, maybe you have a WMU and don't know about it. If you aren't sure, I suggest you take a look at it. I promise you will be blessed. I have gotten to fellowship with some wise ladies, learn a lot about them, learn a lot about myself and more importantly, learn a lot about God.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just like the Israelites
Now, knowing that God is an unchanging God...what must we expect now? Of course... you question God, you essentially say God isn't who He says He is (since He says He is our Provider), what must you expect but this:
33And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague.
34And he called the name of that place Kibrothhattaavah: because there they buried the people that lusted.
You knew that was coming right? God doesn't change. The same God that judged these people for complaining about their circumstances is the same God that will judge us too. Do we expect Him to be lenient upon us? These were His chosen people. He didn't care to burn them, plague them or kill them. When He tells us what He is, why do we question Him? We are just like the Israelites.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Just Pots and Pans
The sermon today at church, our Youth Pastor Josh Blanton took over the job of delivering God's word to us just as He has said it. First of all I must say he did just exactly what God wanted, He opened my eyes. Second of all Josh's sermon started off my day thinking about my mortality. (Yes I know, once again). What it made me think of is, do I do enough for God. Not saying that you get to heaven on your works, but God doesn't give out free rides either. Narrow is the path. Josh made a very important point. He gave us three warnings to consider when talking about showing people the way of salvation. Here are his words:
1. We drift towards that which is easy and popular.
2. We profess what we do not possess.
3. We assume salvation without biblical foundation.
Let me give you a short synopsis of each. The first is that we want the way to salvation to be as simple as repeat these words and you will go to heaven (without changing the life that you are living now).. Guess what.. The sinners prayer is not a magical incantation. It is only a stepping stone towards God. If you are praying that and expecting what Josh termed "fire insurance", you'll be sadly mistaken upon your death. Matthew 7:21-23 says:
"21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. "
God plainly says that not everyone that calls upon His name will enter into heaven. The second thing Josh talked about: Professing what we aren't possessing. That is talking about looking within ourselves and making sure that when we say we are going to heaven, we really are. Did you just pray the sinners prayer and carry on like nothing happened. When you really pray that prayer, when God has convicted you and your soul is yearning for Him, I promise you, you will notice a change.
The last thing that Josh talked about what assuming salvation. The verse that he took this from is also in Matthew 7 and verses 24-27:
24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
You cannot claim salvation through Jesus' blood if you are actually building your Christian foundation on a very shaky ground. You must be firm in the fact that you have truly accepted God's gift. If you have any inclination that you aren't saved, you aren't.
That is the first part of my day. After church I donned my cleaning clothes and went to my mama's house to help her clean her cabinets. My mom is 70 and I can hardly even say that sometimes without crying. As I was cleaning out the cabinets, I ran across my grandmothers cast iron skillets. She would have been 101 on this very day. Seeing that part of my grandmother, those pans that she so lovingly cooked for her family in, made me think of the day (unless I die first) that I will be cleaning out my mothers cabinets.
This made me think, do I do enough for my mama? I try to always be there when she calls. I wish I could jump every time she needs me at the second she needed me. But I do try. And I think she knows that. This second part of my day made me wonder if I don't do enough for God, and I don't do enough for my mother, who am I doing for? The answer is me. I do for me. I will not quit doing this blog, because when I write something here, I feel it is direct message from God. But I am going to cut out more time in my life for my God and for my mom.
I KNOW my mom is going to heaven, and will be happy that she won't be in pain anymore, but I will also be sad that I won't have my mother here on Earth for spiritual guidance, love and direction. She has been a true inspiration in my life. Thinking of a life without her is almost too hard for me to bear. Seeing her pans along with my grandmothers really brought the message that Josh gave this morning home for me. But they are just pots and pans right?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It is barely visible there
Time is slowly erasing the pain
That came from everywhere
A baby yet, a hurt so old
My soul aches for you
If only I could erase these years
Make your reality untrue
Life is getting better
You're a soldier young boy
The war you've been through
Will surely end with joy
You're surrounded by love
You can be a child now
No more shaky branches
You're standing on a firm bough
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Your world has been changed
My dear
You miss them in your voice
I hear
Sometimes the ones we love
Won't change
To accommodate our needs they
Can't rearrange
Don't let the hurt you've
Been Dealt
Suppress the love from others
You've felt
You're beautiful, you're precious
I know
Something better in you life
Will show
I love you and I'll be there
For you
I'll be praying, watching all that
You do.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Blue eyes
Clear tears
Utterly confused you are
Tiny hands
Tinkling giggle
These moments warm my heart
Sad whimpers
At night
While asleep you turn and toss
This world
Not you
Is sorrow, pain and loss
Know this
My sweet
I'm here for you today
If I
am alive
In my heart you'll stay
Love you
Ashey poo
Yes dear I'll pack you
I'll always
Love you
The love that you are due
Friday, May 6, 2011
A Cute Lil Video :)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Clothed in His Righteousness
Last night was our Wednesday night Bible Study at Watts Chapel Baptist Church. Our pastor is away doing revival so we got the opportunity to hear from one of our members Brother Paul. It is so wonderful that God gives us opportunities to help Him that not only grow others understanding oh Him, but also our own.
He used the scripture Isa 61:10-11 as his main focus. Those verses state
10I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.
11For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. (Biblegateway.com, KJV)
What we paid close attention to is the righteousness of Christ. He was totally blameless, not a mar against him. He was the only one that could be a sacrifice for our sins, we needed a lamb without blemish. Brother Paul also gave a few quotes from Martin Luther. Here is one:
"This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified."
It is an awesome thought to think that the creator of all life loved us so much that He sent His only son to Earth knowing the suffering, persecution and pain that he would endure. And even more awesome to know that Christ did so willingly.
My mother said to me this morning, “We are all saved, whether we want to be or not. The only thing is, we must first accept that gift of salvation.”
I pray if you are reading this and you haven’t accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation that you will. Contact me, or pray this prayer I will put at the bottom with a sincere heart. God will hear you and you will see changes come to your life.
"God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen."
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Another Mothers Day

God thank you for blessing me with these three beautiful children. As mothers day approches, I want to thank you not only for my three blessings, but also for blessing me to be born into such a loving and nurturing family such as I have. It is something I know people often take for granted, because not all people are as fortunate as I have been. I love you mommy.
I love you Jakob, Kayleigh and Aiden. Thank you all for not only making each mothers day special but every other day as well.