Thursday, October 6, 2011

Respect, what's that?

I remember when I was young there was this underlying almost fear that I held for my parents.  The thing is, I was never spanked, I just knew better.  When I was told to do something, I did it.  And when not, I didn't.  What I would love to know is, where did the respect go?  As you may see by my page, I have three cuties that can make me smile one second and be frustrated beyond belief the next.  One of the three (not naming any names) has a serious problem with their attitude.  I have no idea of what to do with them.  The mouth, the eye rolling and just generally disrespectfulness (yes I know that isn't really a word) is driving me nuts.  There is just an underlying tension between the two of us sometimes and I just can't seem to get them to understand how this is damaging our relationship.  I want us have no irritation in my voice, no stiffness in my back around them but years of disrespect has conditioned me for it.  I would love any suggestions from more experienced parents.  I just wanna know, where did the respect go?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes its an age thing and hopefully they will out-grow it. One thing I would recommend is that you remind them that you are the one in charge and that you expect them to be respectful to you and others for that matter. Raising children isn't easy, thats for sure, but it is a blessing. Be strong and don't be afraid to make them mad at you from time to time. Me and mine have had our fair share of battles but in the end we always make up (and yes it is painful to say the least). Also depending on how bad it is they may need to talk to someone such as a school counselor, youth minister, pastor etc. Hope this helps some and good luck.
