A jolly old man in a red and white suit
Surrounded by tiny elves
Reindeer looking from outside
While Santa fills the shelves
Is this what we've reduced Christmas to?
An unabashed toy free for all
We've failed to embed in our children that
Christmas didn't start in the mall
In a tiny manger is where it began
No ornaments, trees or a toy
Just God watching over the birth
Of His little baby boy
The gifts that were given to Him
Were given with hearts of love
That God would send them a Savior
Straight from Heaven above
No thoughts of reciprocation
Not expecting a gift in return
Only seeking to see His face
Each waiting for their turn
I suggest we not feel required
To spoil our kids with toys and more toys
I instead say that we should teach them
Christmas' true wondrous joys
What a beautiful poem Chiristina!!!