In my churches Prayer Life studies, a verse came up last week that really resonated with me. The verse was Matthew 11: 29-30. It says “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. How many times in our lives have we felt like we are overburdened with life’s worries? Like if one more thing is put on us we will break? Why is it that we forget to unload all that to God? We pray for His miraculous help in times of great crisis, but we forget that He is ALWAYS there. If we truly believe that He can help us in our greatest hour of need, how then is He incapable of helping us to find a job, or to manage our budget, or find a good baby sitter? God is in control. We sing it, we say it, but we don’t act it. We go through life only calling on His name when we feel like there is no other option. God is the first answer, not the last choice.
I gave the title to this post “busy doing nothing” because I have found myself with lots of extra time since my Facebook fast started on Monday. I had been letting my blog writing go by the wayside. I have had more time to be detail oriented when cleaning the house. More time to read God’s word. So I'm not hating on the Facebook fast. That was just something to keep me busy while doing nothing.
Thank you Lord, for you love, your presence and your conviction. I give you thanks today for my breath, my intricately made body and my health. You prove yourself as my constant Watcher, my Companion, my Rock and my Shield. Thank you for the many facets of You Lord. Thank you.
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