Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Righteous Parent

What good is a parent
Who disciplines not his child
Who doesn't teach them to be humble
But lets them run wild

Yet if the parent teaches well
But the child listens not
Who suffers more, the father?
Or the child that he begot

If an earthly father loves you enough
To teach you wrong from right
How much more so does Our Father
Who is bathed in Holy Light?

Our father loved us so
That he gave up His only Son
So that one day we'll be with Him
When our earthly battle is won

Taken from Hebrews 12:4-13

A Marathon

God has entrusted me with His children
Yes each and every one
He expects me to seek out His daughter
And to look thoroughly for each son

He beckons me to run a race, oh
A marathon each Christian should run
Our finish line is our last breath
Our prize is God's only Son

Shouldn't we then be preparing
Gaining our strength day by day?
Asking for direction for each obstacle
From He who knows the way

A marathon isn't about patience
Patient people get passed with each mile
Perseverance is what our runners need
For each runners race could last quite awhile

The Race Has Begun

Christians!  Don your blinders, look
not to the side, nor to the past.
For the day our Lord shall return
Is approaching us very fast.

It is not the time to relax
Nor the time to rest
Instead it is time to share with all
How well we've all been blessed.

We are blessed with a peace
That only believers can obtain
A peace that with a confession and grace
All the world can attain.

Our Lord has given us His word
And His spirit has given us the power
That we should make haste in sharing His love
For we know not our final hour.

Fear not for He is with you
As you steadfastly travel ahead
And in the twinkling of an eye you'll meet Him
When you lay down your weary head.

A Master and His Tools

Is it possible for a wood carver
To make a masterpiece with a dull knife?
Of course it is, the knife can be sharpened,
He has done it all his life.

Imperfect tools are still of use
To a master who knows his trade.
Who would be more of an expert
But the very hand by which the tool was made?

He knows their weaknesses and flaws
But with care can restore them again
With loving hands, removing rust and
Sharpening blades, like taking care of a friend.

It is written that He is the potter and I am the clay
Who better to mold me than He?
The one who created each individual
Knows best what tool they should be.

Taken from Hebrews 11:32-40